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Diamond Ring

Premarital Financial Counseling

With lack of communication and money issues topping the lists for the most common reasons for divorce, this is a must session for engaged couples and newlyweds. â€‹


When couples discuss money, it's not uncommon for sparks to fly and for feelings to smolder. Most of the time, couples don't know what to expect out of marriage – especially when it comes to money. â€‹â€‹


  • Who will pay the bills?

  • How will they make buying decisions?

  • How much debt do they each bring to the marriage?

  • What are their spending habits?

  • Are they spenders or savers?​

Our 4 Step Program takes you through a process that covers the key areas of holistic financial planning and equips you with the skill to effectively communicate about money.​ We cover topics such as financial goals, debt, and setting a joint budget, among other issues commonly resulting in financial stress and tension before you happen upon them without warning or preparation.

What is involved?

Couples will participate in private, online sessions with Marcella that will involve the following:

  • Free Consultation and Financial Assessment

  • Session One - Values & Credit Assessments

  • Session Two - Personal Financial Evaluation & Budgeting

  • Session Three - Confronting Your Money Beliefs

  • Session Four - Financial Communication


Our Premarital Financial Counseling program is ideal for engaged couples preparing to tie the knot and newlyweds who have been married less than a year. 

How much does it cost?

We meet you where you are. No two people are the same and nether are their finances. We start with our 4-Step Counseling Sessions and when you need financial assistance beyond the sessions, we have the tools and resources to provide it.

Contact Me

Office: 866-664-6711 ext. 23

For additional information on any of my services, please contact me using the form below.


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